Coronavirus (COVID-19): A Global Pandemic
Panic button is already pressed! A global emergency-like situation exists. It is time to unite and fight against deadly hazards of CORONA . This pandemic feels like a World War-3 but against a common foe--- COVID-19 . As hue and cry---- all over the place with little or no relief. Everything looks affected, that’s how the world seems to be now. We have not even thought that this’ll turn out to be a national health emergency in a fortnight. Public places like Malls, Gyms, Schools, Colleges are closed till 31st March. Informal sectors are badly hit. Section 144 (CrPC) is already imposed in some states. The only message for people is to keep the morale high and unite to defeat COVID- 19. But somehow it has raised awareness about personal hygiene, sanitation etc. which was missing earlier. We can only control the situation by maintaining personal hygiene: Washing Hands Properly Personal hygiene is of paramount importance. So, washing your hands with s...