Democratic World Needs a Global Military Alliance Against China?

China has become a force to be reckoned with in today’s consumerist economy. Its mighty manufacturing prowess has allowed it to become the world leader in manufacturing and it is now rubbing shoulders with most of the developedeconomies globally. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, countries around the globe are mulling over methods to control the economic and political influence of China on the global world.

The recent Chinese advances in the south China sea has alarmed many nations around the world. Japan has gone an extra mile and allocated $2.5 billion from its annual budget towards relocating Japanese companies operating in China to other parts of the world. Even in these uncertain times, China is not over flexing its muscles over the Galwan standoff with India. 

Internally too, the Uyghur Muslims are suffering at the peril of Xi-Ji-ping. You may think that concentration camps are a thing of the world war era, but in China, they are very much a reality. China is driven by the consumerist agenda of the world and is certain that the demand for Chinese made goods will never fall off a cliff.

However, times are changing now. The COVID-19 pandemic is a global phenomenon that has engulfed almost every country on the globe. This has called for increased co-operation amongst countries that are feeling the wrath of China’s burgeoning global influence. The activities of the Chinese communist regime have affected the global economic landscape and have resulted in the loss of thousands of billions of dollar globally.

Asserting dominance over weak countries such as Pakistan and Myanmar has become Chinese forte and capturing territories of its bordering neighbours has become a routine activity. Nations around the world are feeling this increased dominance and are looking for ways to tackle China’s increasing geopolitical influence. 

Democratic nations such as the USA, India and the UK are leading this charge aimed at containing Chinese influence and preventing any possibility of autocracy formation. Similar to NATO, that was formed by the USA to contain Russian influence during the cold-war era, we need to form a military coalition to contain China’s rising territorial aggressions.

China has emerged as a global threat due to its secretive practices and the military might that it has amassed over the years. Just a single step towards de-stability by Chine can push the entire world into the abyss and undo millennia of progress made by mankind. With its nuclear stockpile and increasing economic might, China has emerged as the greatest threat that the world may ever witness.

Power in the hands of responsible hands is accountable. But, for China, the words of the supreme leader are taken head over heels and the Chinese population think that they stand to benefit from these territorial aggressions. If there is any possibility of containing the Chinese advances, the democratic economies of the world need to form a military coalition as soon as possible.

In June 2020, senior lawmakers from 8 countries formed a coalition to counter China’s increasing influence in trade, security and human rights violations. The group aims to construct cohesive actions that are targeted towards a strategic approach on any issue that involved the PRC. 

According to lawmakers, China poses a significant threat to the security and prosperity of the free world. The lawmakers also asserted that whenever a country crosses paths with China’s strategic ambitions, it has to pay a price, and often a big one. Australia, Norway, US, Canada and all the developed nations of the world are feeling the increased influence of China in the geopolitical and economic affairs.

The time has come to contain China in its path and prevent another Nazi levels of aggressions. Countries need to unite for the common defence and for protecting the rights of the organised world order, a concept China is entirely unfamiliar with. If we don’t do something now, there may be nothing to do later.


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