Which is a More Effective Degree, Economic or Rural Development?


Rural growth is a subject that is fairly easy to grasp but difficult to execute. It focuses on the upliftment and growth of rural economies, which are facing severe problems of poverty and are effectively trying to improve their competitiveness. It also stresses the need to resolve different pressing issues affecting village economies that impede and promote development in these regions. 

An example of an agrarian economy is the rural economy. While farming and agriculture are one of the most significant primary activities, the problem lies in the persistent decline in their share of the agricultural sector's GDP. At the same time, nearly two-thirds of the population of India relies on agriculture. As a consequence, efficiency is not up to the mark, with circumstances just deteriorating. 

Also, the downturn in public spending since 1991 has been related to a lack of sufficient infrastructure, credit, transport, housing, etc. From now on, agricultural production increased by just 3.2% between 2007-2011. Both these considerations have dented the construction process. It is also important to concentrate on rural development, not just urban development. 

Providing jobs in rural areas and improving the efficiency of the agriculture sector should be the key areas for development. Mostly, because of poor connectivity, villages in our countries are not in line with urban centers. Eventually, this leads to inequality between urban and rural areas and a socioeconomic division. The infrastructure in rural areas should, in turn, be improved significantly. Stigmas such as the caste system also have a hold on rural people even after so many years of Democracy.

Communities must remain desirable areas that, through all types of economic cycles, will stimulate new economic opportunities. Communities that help their corporate communities deliberately provide stronger economic and social effects than those that do not. A perfect example of how elected leaders and communities should support their companies is programming for economic growth. 

So why, in Eagle County, is economic growth important? Isn't our economic result primarily dictated by Mother Nature (winter snowfall and summer nice weather) rather than by a planned program of economic development? Our tourism sector is, to be honest, an amazing opportunity and is our biggest economic force. By providing an environment that people desire, tourism creates value, brings new capital into our system, and it is (and will remain) our signature economic production.

The exact concept of economic development has been challenged: while economists interpreted development mainly in terms of economic growth in the 20th century, sociologists emphasized larger cycles of transition and modernization instead. Karl Seidman, the scholar of growth and urban studies, summarises economic development as "a method of developing and using physical, human, financial and social properties to produce a city or region's enhanced and widely shared economic well-being and quality of life." 

Daphne Greenwood and Richard Holt separate economic development from economic growth because economic development is a "broadly based and sustained rise in the average standard of living of people within a community" and that per capita income growth rates do not inherently equate with quality of life improvements.

Yet others think that for growth and development to take place, several basic building blocks need to be in place. Some economists, for example, assume that solving land rights problems is a crucial first step towards development and prosperity; otherwise, only a limited portion of the economic market would be able to invest in prosperity. That is, the informal sector would remain outside the conventional economy without inclusive property rights in the calculation, omitted and without the same research opportunities. The economic development of nations can also be impacted or contributed to by the companies of multinational corporations.


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