What Is The Impact of Exchange Rate on GDP?


The rise in the GDP refers to the better economy of the country. It is crucial to understand that how GDP affects the economic condition of a country. 

 Most often, all the activities related to the country’s economy are taken under the GDP section. It has categorized sections that include personal consumption, Business investment, Government spending, and exports. The in-depth information can easily help you to find values of GDP as per different categories. 

 Usually, you can observe the hike in GDP when the value of the country’s foreign exports exceeds the value of imports. On the other hand, you can say that selling off the country’s products to foreign countries reflects a rise in GDP. Another important thing is that if the economic data of the country is enough then you will easily find the same value through methods. The fall in the exchange rate (depreciation) leads to the degradation of the GDP. 

 How Does Depreciation Cause Inflation?

  •  Depreciation leads to a hike in the cost of imported goods and thus we have to face price rise or cost-push inflation. 
  •    It enhances the demands so you can call it demand-pull inflation. 
  •   Another challenging aspect is that it turns the export more competitive and later leads to low productivity and high price. 

You Can Assess The Impact Of The Exchange Rate On These Factors Stated Here: 

  • Condition of the economy: In case, the economy is lying in a recession, then it would serve as the boosting factor with a bit impact on inflation. However, the situation might get worst if there is already high inflation. GDP is treated as the credible factor to estimate the growth and the standard of the country. 
  •  Elements related to the AD: You will find an increase in the export rate with the fall in the exchange rate. On the other hand, you will need to take care of the consumer’s trust as it may obstruct the hike in overall AD. 
  •  Reason behind fall in the exchange rate: It is imperative to evaluate the exact reason that led to the fall in the exchange rate. Having a clear picture of all the factors responsible for the fall in the exchange rate can let you estimate the impacts on GDP. It is the mainstream measurement to analyze the economic scenario of the country. 

 An overview about GDP per capita: 

 Countries vary in terms of several factors including populations and economic outputs. Thus, you say that the development rate will depend on these stated factors. It is usually the most challenging task to make a comparative chart between a highly populous country and the country with a low population. 

 This is why economists are using the term and value of GDP per capita to overcome gaping factors that exist at a huge level. GDP per capita is the most convenient way to check out the differential values of economic standards between two countries. The value is calculated by dividing the GDP of the country by the population. 

 Outcome of GDP On Currency Exchange Rates:


  •   When a country’s GDP rises then the worth of currency rises itself. In the same way, a fall in the GDP values weakens the worth of currency. 
  •   Further, investors and international cooperation are using GDP to announce their investment decisions. The investments provide support to the currency values of the country. 
  •   Apart from these Banks decide to introduce modifications in their interest rate as per the GDP growth rates. 


 GPD growth of a country plays an important role in managing several factors related to the economy of the country. It also affects the value of the currency and hence having a concrete knowledge about the GDP is decisive. 








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