Why Financial Investment Cycle Is Important For Economic Growth?


The investment system has efficiently impacted the development goals. People decide to invest their hard earned money to make profits through financial investment cycle. But they need to collect a relevant piece of information before going ahead. Since the profits policies differ from company to company and hence they should explore which one would be worthwhile for them. Companies involved in offering financial services have different criteria for investment processes. 

Kinds of investments in India:

You can make an Investment in the Indian Economy through: 

  • Mutual funds: It stands for the collection of money from those people who are interested in investment. Later it is put in the company’s shares and is handled by the fund managers for a smooth investment process. Investors have the option to select either the equity fund or the debt fund as per their choice. 

  • ULIP: it is the abbreviated form of Unit Linked Insurance Plans that offer investment and life insurance perks. Such kind of investment allows investors to earn through market-linked returns.

  • PPF: It refers to a public provident fund and is the best saving scheme with investment for a specific span. 

  • Stocks: It refers to the shares of the owners offered by companies. By investing in stocks, investors can make money by earning dividends in return. But investors need to grab thorough knowledge for profits. 

  • Bonds: It is a kind of investment where you can lend money to government organizations. Thereafter, you would be entitled to earn a fixed amount of interest during the tenure of maturity. 

Generally, the investment cycle holds four categories:

While deciding on an investment, you must think about some of the important factors. This is important as you are going to invest your money for the production objective. But the lack of knowledge might be responsible for unexpected troubles. 

How you can go with the right decision is the key concern for economic growth at the national level. Today people choose to make Investments in the Indian Economy for progress at a broader level. However, they can initiate with strategic plan and evaluation of the outcome. You can follow these techniques:

First of all, set a strategic plan: It refers to the way of thinking about the investment cycle deeply. It is needless to say that the right approach can only provide you with good results. 

Therefore, you must be aware of the investment theories if you have such a plan. The value of the Indian economy keeps on changing because of several factors from time to time. Thus, you need to be careful and knowledgeable as well to step in the right direction. 

Secondly, you must go through investment policies: Different kinds of investment programs are run by the government. But how much investment program is impactful for the growth of the economy matter a lot. 

Thus, investors must find out completed information from an authentic source. Thorough consideration for investment is the crucial part to add betterment. 

Thirdly you must implement and monitor: It is usually imperative to keep a check on the progress of the purpose. The regular track will help you decide about the required adjustments for the speedy growth of the Indian economy. 

Implementation is another crucial such proper understanding of investment system can offer you with expected achievements. 

Lastly, you should assess for capitalization: The proper assessment after implementation of the investment strategies is important. Various kinds of factors involve the investment system. Thus you should step ahead for capitalization after proper evaluation merely. 


It is critical to analyze your financial requirement before choosing any investment plan. Most often people invest their money to meet their future needs. So be attentive while going with the type of investment processes


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