Role of Forest-Based Industries in the Economic Development of India-Complete Guide


The role of the forest-based industries in the economic development of India has been very important. In this blog section, we would like to draw your attention to the contribution of the forest-based industries. This specific industry comprises various aspects like silk industry, paper industry, match industry, sports goods industry, and handicraft. 

The Economy Development depends on the specific factors that include the implementations. This is important to understand how the forest-based industry is helping India to support the growth of the economy. Development is the most critical factor and hence you have to be aware of the sources.  

Some of the Forest-based Industries are:

Multiple industries are forest-based. But what are those and how they are working to boost the Indian economy matters a lot? This is the subject of discussion and you must create a better sense of understanding. Every sector has its importance and exploring all those effects is vital.  

Paper Industry: This is based on the various raw materials that are forest-based. This is why; you say the paper industry is forest-based. You will see the utilization of the softwood that comes from the Himalayan region. Therefore, it would not be wrong to conclude that some portion of the raw material to manage the paper industry is taken from the dist wood, a forest-based product. 

Bamboo: It occupies the most important part of the paper-making process. You may conclude the major portion of the paper industry is based on the utilization of bamboo. 

Sabai grass- It includes around the 15% contribution of the raw materials. The use of Sabai grass makes sure about the production of high-quality paper. This is crucial in the paper industry and hence is the preference of most industries. This is why; forest-based industry holds an important part in economic development. It is offering job opportunities as well to the people. Apart from this, helping many industries to handle the needs of businesses where paper is required. 

Bagasse: you will find that collection of the pulp for the paper industry from Bagasse. It exists as the sugarcane residual part. It has also an important role in creating the base for economic development.

Rags:  This specific material is made of waste paper and rags. The utilization of the rags includes making handmade paper. The manual creation of handmade paper is an important aspect in India. This is also an important part of the economy of India.

Match Industry: This industry is also one of the important aspects that have contributed to the development of the Indian economy. It includes the use of the software wood which once again comes from the forest industry. It is usually called the markat, salai, dhoop, semal, sundari. All these are part of the daily lives of the people. Some of the products are beneficial for the worship aspects and some of them are for kitchen purposes.

Silk industry: You can say it is the indirect forest-based industry. The silk industry is helping millions to get employment and improve their living standards. The establishment of the industries always leads to employment opportunities. This is why; it is also part of the development factors.

Final say:

The forest-based industry has assisted a lot in economic development. Multiple factors are included to boost the employment ratio for the individuals. Thus if you say that such industry has contributed to the development of the Indian economy, it is the correct factor. But many people lack information about how the forest-based industry can help them to get employment. The development of the Indian economy includes the strategy that creates employment for the common people.


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