Why is Agricultural Growth a Pipedream in India? - The Latest Guide


Agricultural activities include the cultivation of crops and raising animals. Food is the basic needs of people and the agriculture sector is contributing significantly to fulfill such needs. The major activities include cultivating the land and raising livestock. Various challenges are there that obstruct the agricultural growth and make it the pipedream in India. 

But people can overcome such situations with the help of proper implementation of the practices required. However, it is crucial to identify the reason and must take initiatives to eradicate those for better results. 

Agriculture is the most important sector and serves the basic requirement of food across the globe. Thus, everyone must realize the importance of agricultural activities to avoid the scarcity of food production. 

Challenges for agricultural growth:

Once you will focus on the reasons that prevent agriculture growth, you would find many. Different kinds of requirements come to boost food production. It is completely based on climatic factors and the quality of the soil. There is no doubt about it and it includes the natural aspects. But over time, people involved in farming may think of adding some of the innovative factors to support agricultural growth. Factors that prevent agricultural growth are:

Improper cropping pattern: You can find two categories of the crop pattern that are food crops and non-food crops. However, the categorization used to be like food-grains, sugarcane, and other beverages. 

It also consisted of the other two categories such as fibers and oilseeds. You can see that production of the Rabi crops has turned into the most vital aspect in the current time. This category receives important similar to Kharif crops

Insecurities due to instability:  Mostly agriculture depends on natural factors and monsoon is one of them. This is why; you will experience great fluctuation in crop production every year. 

This is why; farmers have to go through the acute scarcity of crops. Further, it leads to problems at the national level. It creates an unfavorable situation due to the high price of food materials and hikes in the unemployment rate as well. 

Land ownership: The most problematic aspect is the unequal distribution of land. Among other factors, this is also serving as one of the reasons to create issues for agricultural growth. In India, a usually large area of land is under the ownership of rich farmers and landlords. This is why; problems arise with agricultural growth. 

Taking the correct initiatives in the view can help the agricultural sector overcome some of the hurdles as much as possible. Such a scenario does not allow farmers to generate an adequate marketable surplus. 

Subdivision and fragmentation of holding:  The trend of the nuclear family has given rise to the constant subdivision of agricultural land into smaller and smaller plots. Sometimes, farmers with a low area of land insist on selling it. 

They have to face this kind of situation just to pay the debt. Therefore, it leads to the division of land into smaller parts. Later, it creates the fragmentation of holdings. These kinds of circumstances provoke uneconomic cultivation. 

Insufficient water supply: The lack of water supply leads to the destruction of crops. Therefore, it is important to establish a concrete source of irrigation for proper cultivation practices. 

Land tenure: This factor is the most crucial concern as it creates insecurity to the mind farmer a lot. They may lose their farming rights anytime. Thus, it is also a matter of consideration and action to eliminate problems of agricultural growth. 

 Wrapping up:

The agricultural industry faces problems in crop products because of the above reasons. Therefore, the initiatives for the elimination of these troublesome factors are important.



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